i guess my disappointment came in the feeling of having not achieved anything as i really desire marriage too.
i tried and i failed.
but romans 8:28 correctly points out that everything happens for a reason that is His purpose. to be honest I've learnt and grown so much in knowing who i am and how i relate with people. more importantly i know God more and caught a glimpse of what it takes to be godly man.
as man, we are called to pursue woman. it is active and intentional. it is not passive like to attract or whatever mystery will have you believe in the game.
last year i wrote: she's on her way- and she's getting here as fast as she can.
but now although i dunno where she is i would like her to know that i am on my way- and i am getting there as fast as i can.
p/s: all the best to the bro proposing! will pray for you.