qn: what's better than watching the killer's concert?
ans: watching them the second time.
last night i watched the vma awards! yes yes i know kanye is a d-bag for what he did to taylor swift but hey if not for him i won't have checked out taylor's winning video (i guess no publicity is bad publicity):
the video was pretty cute and the best part is that taylor is playing both the innocent girl and the evil girl friend! (it's ok it took me sometime too all angmoh looks the same to me)
but the part that i liked most is actually the michael jackson tribute...i found out that the dancers are actually superstar choreographers like wade robson and ann m. gibson...no wonder so zai!...a movie made from the rehearsal of MJ's "this is it" concert will be released in october...though i know it's just a ploy to milk money i got a feeling that i will still watch it hahaa...
ok the vid above may be limited to US only so i'll show you my ouxiang nick demoura's choreography to mj's man in the mirror instead
Anyway somehow my chatter box ---> has been down for a few days for now reason...so use the comment function below instead for the time being! recommend me some other chatter box that you guys are using (ok abit diulian cos i am working in an internet startup and should be familiar w this things)...will hold out for a few more days to see if it comes back up before i change the chatterbox for good.
i think is flooble barh.. my site also the chatterbox down.. zzz eh u in SV one.. can fix a not...
gg flooble sucks