anw i wan to blog about something that i saw last sunday. i went LA during the weekend AGAIN but this time mainly for my project. so on the way back we've decided to take the highway 1 instead of highway 5 cos highway 1 is a scenic drive near the coast, though the route is longer than highway 5 by arnd 100 miles. so i was driving down and suddenly the on-coming cars started 'flashing' their lights (turning hi-beam on and off immediately).no just 1 or 2 cars but 5-6 cars in the row where doing this. i suddenly recalled that i've seen this somewhere: when i was a little boy i would see oncoming cars flashing as well and i would ask my dad what that meant. He said that the oncoming cars are trying to let us know that there are cops nearby...and i asked him why people would want to be nice to other people that they don't know or cant even see (passing by each other at 100mph)...and i forgot what he answered actually.but sure enough down the road i saw a cop camping, ready to prowl. i guess no matter how evil/corrupted the world you might think it is, there's always nice people and some niceness like flashing lights is actually universal. and although i couldn't recall what my dad said, i guess i sorta came to understand and appreciate the niceness in people and it's probably what my dad wanted me to learn then (sadly it took me 17 years).
ppl are nice ok. the nice nice not the pleasant/nice ok.
anw here's a clip of taeyang from big bang. not a fan of kpop but this taeyang guy is good and damn fortunate cos he has my ouxiangs shaun evaristo and lyle beniga as his backup dancer n choreo: